OPAN® for nursing homes

Currently, 254 nursing homes are participating in OPAN®.

Verwalten Sie die freien Pflegeplätze Ihres Heims mit unseren nützlichen Tools und erhalten Sie Voranfragen von Zuweisern. Sichtbarkeit, aktuelle Informationen zur Kapazität, sowie Ihre schnelle Reaktion auf neue Anfragen erleichtern die aufwändige Suche nach freien Pflegeplätzen.

Electronic interconnection between the various partners in health care is becoming increasingly important. The information channels are faster, safer and clearer. Privacy and data security as well as efficiency and time savings are key success factors in the environment of steadily increasing cost pressure.

OPAN® offers a standardized way of transmitting applications from all groups that refer patients (hospitals, doctor's practices, social services, private persons) to retirement and/or nursing homes that is secure, simple, and fast.

The OPAN® system can also be used to simply transfer documents to nursing homes. It provides a service similar to a secure e-mail system.

Course of an application

The referring entity enters the application data on https://www.opanspitex.ch and submits the application. When you receive an application in the protected back-end area, you will be notified by mail that you have a new application and can log into your password-protected area in order to process the application further.

When you change the application status, the referring entity will be automatically informed when the application is received by the nursing home. The person or organization will then know that you will be taking care of matters going forward. Additional questions can be directed to and further arrangements can be made directly with the future resident or the future resident and their families.

  • Referring physician

    Institutions / medical practices / private individuals

  • OPAN®

  • Recipient

    Nursing homes

Interfaces and networking

Once data has been entered electronically, it should also be possible to process it further electronically.

Interfaces make administrative recording much easier once the registration has arrived at the nursing home. They increase the data quality, save time and thus costs.

OPAN offers two completely developed interfaces. Referring physicians can transmit registrations & document transfers completely electronically, nursing homes can receive them in a structured and electronic way, as well as send status feedback directly to the referring physician.

OPAN CARE AG provides the use of the interface free of charge. Please ask your software provider if there are any costs for the use on their side.

AVINTIS eHealth Gateway / B2B value-added services

The AVINTIS eHealth Gateway ensures that each application communicates transparently via the IHE profiles and can exchange data with the respective community. The data is sent and received via the required IHE profiles and can be flexibly integrated into your facility's software. (simple integration necessary). Referrals received by your facility via OPAN® can be transferred directly to your facility's software using the IHE gateway. In addition, you can use the AVINTIS gateway to transmit referrals directly to the nursing home electronically.

Contact our Support to receive further information on the interfaces. Online instructions for the technical implementation can be found here: For software developers

OPAN® web platform